Introduction to Disaster Preparedness
This one to two hour course is intended to encourage individuals and families to become prepared for disasters. Types of disasters are identified and basic information is presented on how to develop a disaster plan, make a disaster kit, and develop a communications plan. If individuals are prepared to survive a disaster, they may be able to assist others. The course includes a short introduction to ACS DR operations.
Overview of Adventist Community Services Disaster Response Operations
The information in this course in intended to present a general description of ACS DR operations in approximately 90 minutes. The content is targeted toward individuals who may want to understand ACS DR operations or deploy alongside ACS DR teams. This may include emergency managers, crisis care providers, and communications or public information partners.
Donations Operations
All ACS DR credentialed, affiliated volunteers and personnel must complete this one day course. The various types of disasters and ACS disaster response history is reviewed. The course outlines the key components of donations management which are the collecting, sorting, storing, and distributing of donated goods. Responsible donating is discussed and the importance of government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and the public and private sectors (“whole community”) working together is presented.
Warehouse and Donations Management
All ACS DR Coordinators and Managers requested to complete this course. Topics critical to the setup and managing of a multi-agency donated goods warehouse are covered, including some risk management considerations. In addition, the importance of developing and maintaining collaborative partnerships with Adventist entities, government agencies, voluntary organizations, the private sector, and the public is described and emphasized. Fundraising and event planning are also briefly discussed.
Completion of the following ACS DR and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) independent study courses offered for free are required for ACS DR instructors and highly recommended for all other ACS DR personnel and volunteers:
- Donations Operations (Don-Ops)
- IS-100.C: Introduction to the Incident Command System, ICS 100
- IS-700.B: An Introduction to the National Incident Management System
Additional FEMA independent courses are available here.